Okay, I'm going to do it. I'm going to talk about the *gasp* vaccine debate. I have two lists to share on the subject. One for the non vaxers, and one for the vaxers. Both of you need a heads up on what's what.
To the non vax folks:
1. Quit playing the victim. Not everyone who vax's is against you in this world and no every damn comment that has the words "I vax" or "I choose to vax" is that person insulting your choice. Get off your damn high horse. Seriously folks. Why do you think people get fed up with hearing it?
2. I don't give a flying flip what you chose, but have some fucking respect for my choice too. Do not sit and try to force you view on me.
3. Do not assume I have no idea what I'm talking about and have done no research. *GASP* believe it or not, there are a TON of us vaccinating moms who did our research and STILL chose to vaccinate. Just because you made a different choice, stay the hell of my back about my choice.
4. When someone comes to you with something like "your kid is going to make my kid sick" quit getting pissed off. You know what works better? Take the time to educate. And if they don't want to know, leave it alone and move on. Don't rant and rave forever because one or two ignorant people told you something like this.
5. Stop arguing about how the Wakefield research is fine. I'm sorry, I don't care what happened with it. I don't care if his research was skewed by mistake. I don't care if it was skewed for profit. I don't even care if it was skewed by God Himself (or Herself). The point is that the research doesn't hold up. Oh stop picking on poor Wakefield. He's been working on this forever. When then he should've damn well got it right. Obviously if you don't see the problem with it, you aren't knowledgeable about how these studies work. For one it is purely correlational, and it doesn't matter how many families you get that have a child that had problems post vaccinations. By picking out those families you skew the data. That's not how you do research. And even those that did have problems, there is no way to 100% link the onset of autism to the vaccinations. I'm sorry, but how many things influence us every day? Even if something about vaccinations caused the onset of Autism, how do explain everyone else in the world who has Autism from birth (like Booker)? Booker showed signs the day he was born of his ASD. So obviously Vaccinations didn't cause it. And now there is the SSRI link, and the Genetic link, and environmental links. Okay they are ALL correlations. There is no way to prove any of these things lead to Autism. What is the most likely scenario then? There is a common element we haven't found yet. And until we find it, we need to stop trying to force others into believing stuff we haven't gotten proof of.
6. And finally. YOU made the choice, and that choice is not a mainstream choice. So guess what is going to happen? People who are mainstream are going to not understand. If you can't handle the criticism that comes with making a choice that is not widely popular, quit talking about it.
And now, because I'm fair and all, and despite the fact that non vaxers that do the above drive me crazy, so does the below apply for those that do vax:
1. Lay off already. I'm serious guys, quit going rounds with the non vaxing folks. It makes you look dogmatic and doesn't prove anything, especially when they counter everything you say. All this makes is a back and forth that doesn't have a winner.
2. Stop thinking that all non vaxing people are unaware of the risks they are taking. They know it very well, and even if you don't agree with it, quit berating them with it. It just makes these problems worse.
3. Do your own research. Don't start bashing non vaxing folks if you have no stance to which to come from. If you've never researched it, it isn't fair to start in on a non vaxing mom.
4. DEBATE people, not fight. There is no excuse for this. Parenting choices are just that, choices, and I'm so tired of parents bashing each other because they don't agree. Agree to disagree if you can't do otherwise.
5. You made your choice, the non vaxing crowd has too. Have some respect for it even if you disagree. It isn't easy for anyone.
Okay, so I said my peace. I know that the second part is shorter, but I didn't feel the need to elaborate as much because the points are pretty concise.
My main point is stop playing the blame game with each other. Don't agree? Fine. Quit the bickering. It doesn't change anything and no matter what you think, this is a choice. Cramming your beliefs down each other's throats isn't going to change a damn thing and you all need to get off your high horse. In parenting, there is no right or wrong, only what we feel is best for our children.
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