Cage Free Momma is here to be loud and opinionated about the things I feel strongly about. This is an anonymous blog, so please, if you know me in person, do not use names.
I am a mother of two wonderful boys. Booker is six years old, and Rider is 2 years old. These are of course not their real names. Booker is a name I chose because my six year old reads at a very accelerated level, and loves books, especially about the planets and space. Rider is a name I've chosen because my two year old LOVES cars and ride on toys. He will play for hours with them. I am married to a good man, if trying, who I'll be calling Dad in the blog. We have been married for 10 years this winter, and have been through a lot of things.
I am a graduate student. I am in my last year doing an internship for School Counseling. This puts me in a special position, because I am involved in the school systems in my state (Missouri). It also gives me a window into the school system and special education because Booker, my six year old has Asperger's Syndrome. One of the focuses of this blog is going to be ASD and services for those with them. Please note that when I reference school, I have been trained in Missouri, and your state may have different regulations.
I am also an attachment parent, and lactivist. I am breastfeeding my 2 year old and plan to continue until he weans himself. We also cosleep. I am against such practices as cry it out, spanking, and scheduled feeding in infants. I plan to include links and information on this throughout the blog.
I do not consider myself an intactivist (both of my boys are circumcised), but with knowledge I've gained over the years since, I have changed my opinions a great deal on the practice. Were I to make the choice today, I might choose differently. However, I am not going to apologize for a choice I made years ago with the information I had at that time. For this reason, my interests part with those of intactivists today.
So with that, I welcome you to my blog. Please feel free to comment, but know they are moderated. I'm not going to have flame wars on my pages, and while you are free to disagree, you are not free to be inflammatory about it.