Tuesday, July 5, 2011

So, Miscarriage and Stillbirth = murder?

This pisses me off. I mean seriously.

Are we going backward or forwards? Women being charged with MURDER after they miscarry their unborn child?

I don't really give a flying frick what your stance on abortion is, personally I'm pro-choice, but I could never have one. By these laws that are being enforced, were I to have a child diagnosed with a possible birth defect that might lead to death, and choose to let the baby go to term, and it dies, I'm a murderer, yet I can have an abortion and no one says a word.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, the bullshit reasoning behind these laws is to protect babies that are to be killed in utero because of their mother's risky behaviors, they cite meth makers, etc. BUT it doesn't define those behaviors. So by virtue of these laws, more women will choose abortions when they have a chance at having a completely healthy, full term baby. Alcoholics, drug users, athletes, coffee drinkers, hell, any woman that works a job, look out, if you miscarry you are screwed. And what's the same about all those groups I just named? Every one has a chance of having a perfectly healthy baby. Even alcohol and drug users.

How many babies are going to die because women are going to choose abortion out of fear of being put in jail?

My feminist hackles just nearly rose and fell off my damn body. Seriously, women have been working for centuries to reach equality, and now this shit, in the United States (and I've seen stories of UK occurrences as well)?

Women have very little control over most of the causes of spontaneous miscarriages and stillbirths. And many women try repeatedly to have babies only to suffer repeated losses. So now our country wants to punish women for nature's natural course? Miscarriages happen no matter what you do, and I guarantee that if someone was to look at the life of any woman who has suffered the loss of a child, they will be able to find a "reason" enough to point the finger of blame at the mother. She didn't eat right. She didn't stay away from second hand smoke. She stood too much. She exercised too little. She exercised too much. She sat too much. She took tylenol. She took Zofran/Reglan/Prozac/Zoloft while under the care of a doctor.

Pardon the language, but give me a fucking break.

May post more on this later, I just ran across it on Reddit and was stunned into posting tonight.

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